Thursday, 20 November 2014

Assignment 1 - Tutor Feedback

I have to admit I did not realise how worried I was about receiving feedback on my first assignment until I received back my work and my tutor's comments.  I therefore started to read the comments with some trepidation but I am very pleased with the feedback I have received and now feel more sure of how to progress especially with presentation and how much work is expected.  I now feel more comfortable working outside the set exercises.

Points to work on from the feedback are:-
  • Identify and note in my blog textile designers work that can help develop my own work.
  • My tutor suggested books that could possibly inspire my sketchbook work.  I am seeking out these books and others that are similar to help me in my sketchbook work.
My tutor gave me some pointers for the next assignment and these are very helpful as once again as I had started the assignment the worry set in as to how much to do and was I interpreting the instructions correctly.  I know now that it is ok to work outside the set boundaries and to do things my own way.  I have to get the confidence to just continue to give it a go.  Am enjoying Assignment 2 already.