One suggestion made concerned the research point in Assignment 3 which I found quite difficult. My Tutor suggests that I add a little more about web sites such as Etsy and the change from something being a hobby to a life changing direction. She also suggested discussing sewing and knitting groups. These suggestions are really helpful and have pointed me to some interesting issues which I am going to look into and add something more to my research piece for Assignment 3. I admit I felt I was looking at a blank wall for this research but these pointers have opened things up for me and I think I was being too rigid in my outlook. I will remember to look at things with a more wider flexible view when doing future research.
I was pleased to read in the feedback that it is alright for me to use my drawings as a starting point and not feel restricted by them. I was beginning to feel a bit bogged down by my drawings and trying to work samples true to them. This will definitely help me with future work and with my sketchbook and theme book work.
Also mentioned was the layering techniques I used in many of my samples and that this is worth exploring further particularly if I decided to research 15th and 16th century embroidery for my Theme book. I am pleased about this as I do like to layer different fabrics to see the different effects I can get.
My tutor gave me suggested reading for the next assignment and the links to websites of artists who incorporate weave into their work.
In the feedback report were pointers for the next assignment and my Theme book. I have been struggling to pin myself down to a theme as I have a long list of suggestions for myself. My Tutor made a very interesting suggestion relating to my interest in 15th and 16th century embroidery and using this to develop my own interpretation of the embroidery that inspires me combined with the river. The river is the River Weaver that is 5 minutes from my home and where I walk daily and find much inspiration from such as trees, reflections, wildlife, old boats and much more. I think this is a theme that I will get a lot of inspiration from and will keep me enthused about it as I can combine it with the embroidery. I have arranged to have a discussion with my Tutor about this.
My Tutor pointed out for future reference that I should only attach the top of a textile sample to card so that the sample can be handled. She said to use double sided tape on the sample and masking tape on the card so that it can be moved or removed without damage. I had sewn some of my samples to card with a couple of stitches in each corner. I will change these now so that they can be removed and in future I will use the method my tutor suggested. She also said to use the blue postal bag in future so that my work is better protected. I was not sure about this for previous assignments but will continue to use it for future work.
I feel very happy to move on and have already started Assignment 4.