Assignment one
I am by nature a very organised person so that when I
started this course I was sure that I would be organised in my way of working
and time keeping. I became confused as
to what is expected of me, how much work I am to produce and how I am to keep a
record of my work. I was to keep a
sketchbook, a learning log/blog and a theme book. I decided to use an A4 sketchbook on a daily
basis, to carry an A6 sketchbook in my bag so that I could jot down/draw when
out and about or for visiting exhibitions and shows and that I would have an A4
book to use for my learning log. After
much debating I decided to keep a learning blog along with sketchbooks and a notebook. I will also keep my stitched samples in a
At the beginning of the mark making exercises I did not want
‘to get it wrong’. I was quite tentative
mostly because I was not sure how I should organise and record my samples. I am pleased with the work I have done. The exercises enabled me to relax into
drawing and start to think about how they could be taken into stitch. Although I was using different media I
noticed that I began to use the water soluble materials more. I found these easy to use and loved the way
the colours mixed. I feel that I am now beginning to look for pattern and
texture everywhere I go. I realise that
I must make working in a sketchbook a daily exercise and that the subject
matter can be anything.
I have always loved hand stitching and enjoyed this part of
the course very much. I began my first
samples on plain fabric and quickly made the decision to colour my own fabric
for the remainder of my samples. I felt
I worked much better from my drawings by colouring the fabrics and building up
the texture with the stitch. I would do
a couple of my samples differently. I
feel the first sample of running stitch and backstitch could have been more
organised and the sample I did of a picture of the fields that was in my
sketchbook I think could have been worked differently. I think it was too much of a straightforward
interpretation of my drawing.
I feel I experimented enough within the time I had. I would have liked to do some machine
stitched samples and hope to go back and use the exercises to do this at a
later date.
On completing the exercises and projects in Part one I
realise the need for experimentation and sampling.
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