Stage 2 - Looking for Shapes and Drawing
What are your thoughts about the drawings you did in Stage 3?
Looking at my drawings at this stage I feel I am beginning to get more of an 'eye' for colour. At first I found it difficult to make a decision as to areas with relation to shape and size. In the beginning I worked on a small scale - 3cm square. When I found a composition I liked I enlarged it and began to feel more confident and comfortable working pieces approximately 12cm x 16cm. I am becoming more confident with colour combinations and looking for inspiration and judging what elements are interesting and which to leave out.
Were you able to use your drawings successfully as a basis for further work? Are there any other things you would like to try?
I think the quick 3cm square drawings I did were successful in that they were a good stepping stone for me to see which shapes worked well together and for me to then take these into drawing a larger piece. The larger drawing drawings enabled me to experiment with texture and colour. I would like to try drawing on a larger scale. Obviously this depends on whether the elements I am using suit being worked larger. From the exercises I have done I can see that working on a small scale is sometimes better than working larger. When I have looked at some of the drawings I am beginning to feel that certain elements are not working and I am enjoying experimenting with different colour, materials and scale and feeling intuitive about my decisions.
Now that you have a good working method, Do you feel confident that you can carry on working in this way independently?
Yes I do feel I have more confidence to work independently.
I have enjoyed the work on looking for shapes and drawing and this is giving me the confidence to look for inspiration and play around with shapes more. I feel I am able to interpret this in my own way although I think I could improve on this. I still wonder if I am doing my work in a right or wrong way but this happens much more infrequently.
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