Sunday, 25 January 2015


I am continuing to work in my sketchbook.  I work in an A4 and I have an A6 that I keep in my handbag so that I have a book to draw and make notes in whenever I want to.  I am trying to be more experimental in the way I work in my sketchbook and am colouring the pages before I work on them or adding papers so that there is more texture to my design work.  I am enjoying doing this.  I also work on separate backgrounds and then stick them in the sketchbook when I have finished them.  I am trying not to be too 'precious' about the work I do in my book and feel that I am now using it in a way to express ideas that I have and to experiment more in it.

In the A6 book that I carry around with me I tend to draw in pen in it as this is usually the only drawing tool I have in my bag.  I like to draw in pen as I don't get the desire to want to rub away any mistakes I just go for it more with pen than with pencil.  I recently went on a train journey and decided that I would make a list of everything I saw for an hour of the journey.  I started just listing things I saw but then as I got into the exercise more I started to describe them making quick notes on colour and texture.  I really enjoyed doing this and was eventually able to make little quick sketches alongside the lists.  It really made me see and not give everything a cursory glance.  For the future I want to make quick sketches first and add notes.  I am also getting over the embarrassment of working in a sketchbook in public and this will help me when I go to view exhibitions and visit museums.

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